Logo Release-check

Select IdP

Released attributes from IdP


Click on the green button to see what attributes your Identity Provider releases.

Description of all test avaiable in the SWAMID identity federation test suite:

  • The Attributes tab shows all attributes the service release to the entityId https://release-check.qa.swamid.se/shibboleth. The entityId uses the entity categories:
    • REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category,
    • REFEDS Research and Scholarship Entity Category, and
    • REFEDS Data Protection Code of Conduct ver 2.0 Entity Category including all SWAMID Best Practice attributes.
  • The Entity category tab does an exetensive testing of that an Identity Provider follows SWAMID Best Practice attribute release via entity categories.
  • The MFA tab checks if an Identity Provider is correctly configured for handling request for multi-factor login as expected by SWAMID.
  • The ESI tab verifies if the Identity Provider release the right attributes for the European Digital Student Service Infrastructure.

SWAMID Best Practice Attribute Release check


In order for SWAMID to work as effectively as possible for students and employees as well as for service providers and identity providers, SWAMID recommends that service providers use entity categories to get the attributes that they require.

In order for services within the SWAMID federation to work as effectively as possible, SWAMID recommends the use of entity categories. Entity categories benefits not only students and employees but also administrators of relying and identity providers by providing a stable framework for the release of attributes.

During autumn 2019, SWAMID has updated its entity category recommendations and these will be implemented in our production environment during 2020 and 2021.

This service is designed to help administrators of identity providers verify that their IdP follows the new recommendations.

SWAMID’s current recommendations for attribute release are available at https://wiki.sunet.se/display/SWAMID/SAML+WebSSO+Service+Provider+Best+Current+Practice .

Example configuration for Shibboleth can be found in the section entitled “Example of metadata configuration, attribute resolvers and attribute filters” on the following wiki page https://wiki.sunet.se/display/SWAMID/SAML+WebSSO+Identity+Provider+Best+Current+Practice .

The SWAMID best practice attribute release check consists of the following tests:

  • assurance - Assurance Attribute test
  • noec - No EC (shall not send any attributes!)
  • anonymous - REFEDS Anonymous Access
  • pseudonymous - REFEDS Pseudonymous Access
  • personalized - REFEDS Personalized Access
  • cocov2-1 - REFEDS CoCo (v2) part 1, from SWAMID
  • cocov2-2 - REFEDS CoCo (v2) part 2, from SWAMID
  • cocov2-3 - REFEDS CoCo (v2), from outside SWAMID
  • cocov1-1 - GÉANT CoCo (v1) part 1, from SWAMID
  • cocov1-2 - GÉANT CoCo (v1) part 2, from SWAMID
  • cocov1-3 - GÉANT CoCo (v1), from outside SWAMID
  • rands - REFEDS R&S

Multiple Code of Conduct test require different attributes which the IdP either SHOULD or SHOULD NOT release in accordance REFEDS/GÉANT Code of Conduct.

For further information on how personal data is processed in SWAMID Best Practice Attribute Release check see https://wiki.sunet.se/display/SWAMID/SWAMID+Entity+Category+Release+Check+-+Privacy+Policy

SWAMID Best Practice MFA check


SWAMID MFA test. This is a two part test

  1. REFEDS MFA without forceAuthn
  2. REFEDS MFA with forceAuthn

SWAMID Best Practice Attribute Release check


European Student Identifier uses the entity category https://myacademicid.org/entity-categories/esi for release of attributes from the user's identity provider. This test verifies that all required attributes are released during login.